Whole KB flooded.

It was about 4 days ago, the rain just keep pouring. It has rain non-stop, the whole Kuala Belait was unexpectedly flooded. Walking around the school took me by surprise of how the water almost reach half of our boots, it was mildly deep. But we were luck it wasn't as deep as it is in Tutong. The flood clearly is a hard thing for us to go through, some of us wear sandals and slippers going to school and home from school. It was depressing yet fun but then again, scary to think of it. Luckily, some part of Mkjb didn't get flooded especially the new Marine building. On that day as well, there were not much of a class, teachers were quite busy handling things and so does some of the students who are managing about the new intake, Ntech and Hntech I think. We were packed with homeworks and assignments, but that's just how college life is. To succeed you have to go through the rough paths and then, move on to the easier ones.