A visit to the most amazing Russian Pallada Ship

It was on the 18th march, 2 days ago we are invited to visit the Russian pallada ship. I have to say, there are some very interesting facts that I have learned. First of all, it was a sort of a cruise ship, a sailing ship to be exact, it was nonetheless the best experience I had. Not to forget, it was my first time on a big ship (Haha). The crews there are very friendly and nice though, I just found out they don't speak much English (no offence) but it was very hard to ask things when they barely speaks English. My classmates were there a day earlier than I am, so I ended up going with the best ex-classmate Marine C. They always make my day, the day was a blast because of them, we took a lot of pictures yet I rather not post it here cause (Hahaha) It was not appropriate for this website. A visit to the ship was incredibly mind-blowing how this is going to be (hopefully) one day going to be my job as a marine engineer. A fail titanic cause I was forever alone. (...