this week i learned that anything that you didn't expect to happen can always happen, by the time i finally bonded with my classmate which is marine dp1 C, i found out that my name was never listed on their class's list. They've mistaken me with some other girl who rejected taking MKJB. well, i am asked to move to marine dp1 B. My name always have been listed there, so by Saturday i am in officially marine dp1 B class.
from left to right. shidah, me, elsa, syirah, fayy and dayah. |
They are beyond everything, for only days knowing them you can sense that they are just amazing people. You don't have to try to fit in, they treat people equal. They don't leave anyone behind, they're not selfish. you can never get enough of them, you will laugh your heart out cause to be honestly, we people joke around almost about everything, anytime and anywhere. yes, even when we're eating or studying. going to miss them, although we are still in the same department.
BOYS! standing up : from left to right : Hafiz, Aris, hou, paii, herry, along, azwan. Sitting down : from right to left : Boboy, edy, Walid, Sulaiman and hafiz hostel
the best guy mates you can ever ask for. they're friendly, no doubt there. funny as they can be..very responsible and consider very or should i say too loving? anyways, all the best guys.
One way to pass time while lunch. Sleeping apiz and at the back, aris.
Miss having you all as my classmates already, however all the best Marine Dp1 C.
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